Monday, 2 November 2009

Junk Diet Makes You Depressed

Next time you decide to go for a Big Mac remember that it might not only be your waistline that suffers from all that processed food that your eating. A University College London survey of 3500 people found that a diet heavy in processed and fatty foods significantly increases the risk of depression.

The researchers split people into two groups – those who had a generally healthy diet, big on fruit, vegetables and fish, and those who mainly ate processed foods, like desserts and fried foods, processed meats, sweets, chocolate and fatty dairy products.

People who feel low often decide to snack on chocolate and cake - but this may only aggravate their problems, A healthy diet of vegetables, fruit and fish though can help stave off depression and mid-life crises,

The five year UK study, published this week in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found that people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression. Parents could help reduce the risk of their children growing up to develop depression by feeding them healthy food.

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